Pic of the Week: Burns Night: 25 January 2019

Pawel Zygmunt ‘The King of Scotland’

Burns Night, now a national event commemorating the life of revolutionary Scot, Robert Burns, was originally a memorial dinner for close friends and family.

Robert “Rabbie” Burns, Scotland’s National Poet, wrote over 500 songs and poems before his untimely death in 1796 at the age of 37.

His most famous work is sung world-wide on New Year’s Eve, “Auld Lang Syne”.

If you are celebrating Burns Night this year, enjoy your ‘neeps and tatties’ (turnips and potatoes) with haggis (probably best you don’t look it up!), all washed down with a ‘wee dram’ of whiskey! And don’t forget to read ‘Address to a Haggis’, written by the great bard himself!