Parallel Lines


The Photographic Angle regularly runs photographic competitions which are open and accessible to everyone, regardless of their location, ability, experience, equipment or age.

Each competition has a theme, chosen by our Head of Design, and we welcome submissions that illustrate this theme showcasing originality and a unique viewpoint. The competitions are free to enter and TPA enlists the help of an independent judge who is given the responsibility of selecting the winning entries. One photographer whose entry is deemed the best representation of the competition theme will be awarded a prize.

Throughout the year, our Head of Design will also choose a selection of the best entries submitted to various competition themes for inclusion in one of our future photographic exhibitions. The chosen images will then be printed by the charity and exhibited at no expense to the photographers. If your work is chosen for inclusion you will be contacted via email and asked to send us high resolution versions of your work.


According to the rules of geometry, Parallel Lines are two lines that are equal in distance and never meet. They can be horizontal and vertical.

In photography, lines can be used to create visual interest and convey a message in an image. They can create a sense of movement, a sense of depth, they can be used to divert attention and they can create a stronger overall composition in photographs. Depending on their width, length and direction, they can convey different meanings and draw a range of responses from the viewer.

If you look at the gallery section on our website, there are many images that have used lines to great effect to create a strong composition and direct the viewer’s eyes across the image.

In fact, the use of Lines is the most versatile of all Elements of Art. Other examples of how lines can be used in photographic art is to suggest shape, pattern and rhythm and they don’t need to be straight lines – they can also be curved.

Your challenge for this, our first competition since Covid, is to enter images that use Parallel Lines to create a strong composition. We look forward to receiving your images that show how you have creatively used Parallel Lines to draw an emotional response to your images.


The prize for the winning entry will be a £50 (or equivalent value for your Country) Amazon Gift Card or Voucher.

There is no alternative prize and the judge’s decision is final.

Amazon Gift Card

Competition Judge

Andre Neves

I’ve been fascinated by Nature and Photography since my childhood years in Portugal. I started my photography journey in the days of film, some three decades ago, when I used to borrow my father’s camera, a reliable Nikon SLR. I loved the simplicity of the mechanics and also miss the light weight of the camera body!

My favourite photographic genres are Nature and Monochrome. I am mystified by the secret world of insects and their habitats and have developed a strong interest in macro photography. I am also passionate about conservation and a firm believer that we all have a critical role to play in the preservation of our wonderful planet.

I live in Foxton, a beautiful village in Cambridgeshire.

I am an active member of two fantastic clubs, the Melbourn & District Photo Club and the Cambridge Camera Club.

I am a member of the Royal Photographic Society, having been awarded their Licentiateship (LRPS) in 2019 and Associateship (ARPS) in 2021. I have also received a Credit (CPAGB) from the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain in 2022, their Distinction (DPAGB) in 2023 and have been selected a C Panel judge in the same year.

Hope you enjoy my work.
You can see a selection here:

Favourite quote:
“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.”
— Alfred Stieglitz